Frequently Asked Questions

  • Breakages, Replacements and Repairs
    • My thermometer is showing an incorrect temperature, what should I do?
      If your thermometer is showing a temperature that you know to be incorrect, the first thing that you should do is ensure that it is set to the correct thermocouple type, as having a thermometer set to a different thermocouple type to your probe can result in an incorrect reading. Loosely speaking, if you probe has a green lead or plug, it is a K type thermocouple, and if it has a brown lead or plug, it is a T type thermocouple. Ensure that your thermometer is set to the same thermocouple type. If you are sure that your thermometer is set to the correct thermocouple type, but it is still showing an incorrect temperature, the next best thing to do is to try to use it with another probe (if you have one). If you plug a different probe into the thermometer and the reading is now correct, the likelihood is that there is a fault with your probe, not your thermometer. However, if you have tried both of these steps and your thermometer is still showing an incorrect reading, you can phone or email us to set up a repair.
    • My thermometer won’t turn on, what should I do?
      If your thermometer won’t turn on, the first thing to do is to replace the batteries with fresh ones. If this makes no difference, you may need to phone or email us to set up a repair.
    • Will you replace my thermometer if it is broken?
      If your thermometer is from our MM2000 Range, MM7000 Range, Solo Range or a CA2005 we will repair or replace it for a fixed price under our Thermometer for Life Guarantee. Details of our Thermometer for Life guarantee can be found as a downloadable pdf on those products and the kits that contain those products.
    • What is the warranty on my thermometer?
      Most TME thermometers come with a standard 2 year warranty. The Thermometer for Life guarantee exists outside of the parameters of this warranty (applies to products listed with the Thermometer for Life symbol)
    • What is the warranty on my probe?
      TME probes do not come with a warranty, however, if there is a fault in our manufacturing process we will of course replace for free.
    • What is the Thermometer for Life guarantee?
      The Thermometer for Life guarantee promises that TME will repair/replace any TME thermometer that is accidentally damaged or malfunctions for no more than £35 (+VAT) for an MM2000 series thermometer, or £125 (+VAT) for an MM7000 series thermometer. As the name suggests, this guarantee is for life and exists outside of your normal warranty.
    • I regularly need to replace my thermometers and probes, can I set up a service contract to cover the cost?
      If you have purchased a large number of TME thermometers/probes, and are likely to have a high turnover of breakages, we offer a swap service which charges a set monthly rate in return for an unlimited number of swaps. We can offer this on a next day basis. If you are interested in the swap system, please phone or email TME for advice on how best to set it up.
  • Customer Queries
  • Calibration
    • Do all TME Handheld thermometers come with a calibration certificate?
      Yes. We include a three temperature point UKAS traceable certificate free of charge with all our handheld thermometers. Please note the points for the free certificate cannot be added to or changed.
    • How often should I have my thermometer re-calibrated?
      TME recommends that you have your thermometer re-calibrated annually.
    • How do I test the calibration of my thermometer?
      To test the calibration of your thermometer yourself, prepare a solution of ice and water, and insert your probe into it. Your thermometer should read 0°C. If it is out of calibration, firstly try using a different probe, just in case it is your probe that is faulty, and if that doesn't make a difference, contact us for advice you may need to send your thermometer back for a repair/calibration.
    • My thermometer needs re-calibrating, what do I do?
      Simply download and fill in our Repair or Calibration Form. Securely package your thermometer and return it, with the form, to the address shown at the top of the form. Download Our Form
    • I need a certificate of conformance for my recent order with TME, what should I do?
      Simply ring or email us. We can trace your order and provide a certificate of conformance relating to despatch of your order. The certificate will list the products purchased and (if it’s a thermometer), the serial number, and affirms that the product has been made in accordance with the appropriate specifications and guidelines required. We do not charge for a certificate of conformance and we will email the certificate (signed by our Production Manager) directly to you.
    • Can I calibrate a probe?
      Yes. We can produce a calibration certificate for a probe to either the four standard points (for food applications: -20, 0, +20 & 80°C, for Legionella applications: 0, 20, 55 & 80°C) or to four points of your choosing. Please note: for probes being returned to us for calibration, whilst it is possible to produce a certificate for a probe, we will not be able to adjust any errors found during the test.
  • Data Logging
    • What is a data logger?
      A data logger is an electronic device that records data over time or distance. TME supplies several different temperature data loggers for different uses. Most temperature data loggers are small, battery powered and use a microprocessor, internal memory, and an external or internal temperature sensor. Some dataloggers can send data in realtime, using WiFi, and some can download easily to a computer using an induction pad or wired connection. All of the data loggers that TME supplies can be sold with their own software. Some of the TME data loggers have digital displays, and some can come with built in alarms for out-of-range temperatures. The benefit of using a data logger for temperature is that it collects data on its’ own, with no need to carry out spot checks etc. This means that you can keep a constant log in changes to temperature, which can be very useful for some applications, including transport. However, data logging thermometers tend to be quite expensive, especially with the added cost of software, and do not allow you to record information about specific items/products, as you would need to for spot checks, so it’s worth thinking hard before you decide whether or not to buy a data logger or a normal thermometer.
  • Thermometers
    • What is a thermometer?
      A thermometer is an instrument that is used to measure temperature. Traditionally, thermometers consisted of a glass tube with a bulb at the end containing mercury, which would extend along the tube as it expanded to react to fluctuations in temperature. Nowadays, most industrial thermometers are digital. To find out more about thermometers, see our History of Thermometry page.
    • When is it important to use a thermometer?
      There are many different applications which require the use of a thermometer, from basic everyday tasks such as cooking or testing family members for a fever, to checking fridge/freezer/oven temperature, measuring water temperature to help prevent outbreaks of Legionnaires’ disease, reaching critical temperatures in a manufacturing process, maintaining temperatures during distribution of food products, tyre production, oil production, laboratory testing, facilities/building management and more. The risks of not having a thermometer for these applications vary from a burnt dinner to patients contracting a life-threatening disease.
    • Why do I need an accurate thermometer?
      These days, all industries have legal requirements and regulations that they need to meet. Many of these, within the food catering/manufacture/retail industry and the facilities management industry especially, are based around temperature. Food served at the wrong temperature can be life threatening to a consumer, and water that is stored at the wrong temperature can be a breeding ground for the deadly legionella bacteria. Within manufacturing as well, there is a fine line between the right temperature, and one which will spoil an entire batch or product. In scientific applications, accurate thermometers are even more important, as temperature must be controlled extremely strictly. With this in mind, a lot of industrial bodies have issued guidelines about temperature control. For food, the HACCP regulations are very strict about temperatures of chilled, cooked and stored food, and recommend a thermometer with an accuracy of ±0.5°.
    • Should I clean my thermometer? How should I clean it?
      If you are using a thermometer with a probe attached (or ‘plugged in’), you can clean the probe using a probe wipe. All TME probes are waterproof so are safe to clean in this way. Mostly you will need to clean a probe if you are using it to measure something unclean, for example if you’re using a needle probe to measure the core temperature of meat, and then you want to use it to measure the temperature of a sauce, you will want to clean it inbetween these uses. The thermometer itself should need cleaning less often, however TME thermometers are all either waterproof or splashproof, so wiping them down with a damp cloth should be sufficient. Please note wipes within sachets are now recommended as tubs of wipes may dry out if the lid is left open.
    • What is an IP rating?
      IP (Ingress Protection) ratings are defined by an international standard. They define levels of effectiveness for sealing electrical enclosures against intrusion from moisture and dust. Each number of an IP rating has a specific meaning. For example, TME’s MM2000 digital thermometer has an IP rating of 67. IP67 enclosures translate as IP rated for ‘dust tight’ (that’s the 6), and protected against immersion in up to 1m of water for up to 30mins (that’s the 7). So the MM2000 is referred to as being IP67 waterproof.
    • What is the difference between a thermometer and a probe?
      Simply put, the thermometer is the ‘box’, where you will see a screen that displays measurements, and the probe is the thing connected to it. So the probe (or sensor), senses the temperature and sends a signal to the thermometer, which translates it into a figure (usually °C or °F) and displays it. Probes can come in many different varieties which are designed to suit a specific application (such as needle probes, flat food probes, air probes etc). Thermometers, too, can have many different applications in addition to displaying a temperature reading. Some thermometers have a hold function, or can calibrate other thermometers, scan barcodes or wirelessly send temperature readings to other electronic equipment such as PCs or PDAs.
    • Do I need to buy a probe with my thermometer?
      If you don’t have any kind of probe, you won’t be able to use your thermometer. A thermometer, as we have established, translates a signal from a probe or sensor, therefore in order to have something to translate, you will need to plug a sensor into it. Be careful though, as some thermometers are supplied complete with probes, or have probes built-in. For example, TME’s SOLO thermometer has a built-in needle probe, which is attached to, and swings out of the body of the thermometer. If you need a thermometer which you only use for one application (such as measuring core food temperature), these kinds of thermometers are a useful option. If, however, you know that you want your thermometer to measure different types of things (air and water, for example), you may want to think about a temperature kit. These offer a thermometer with (usually) more than one different type of probe, and TME offer a wide variety, tailored for different applications.
    • How can I switch my thermometer between °F and °C?
      For most of our range of handheld thermometers, all you need to do is press the SCALE button (SCL), for others the scale is pre-set, or can be changed in the software programme. The following is a list of the TME Handheld Thermometer models that are covered by this topic Models with SCL Buttons: - MM2000, MM2008, MM2010, MM2020, MM2030, MM2040, MM2050, MM2120, MM7000-2D, MM7005-2D, MM7010, MMCOMBI and MMCOMBI-W. Models where Scale Change option available within the software programme: - MM7100-2D and MM7105-2D Models where Scale is Pre-set to °C: - MM2005, CA2005, MM2009
    • What does 'self-calibrating' mean?
      All our instruments have a voltage reference, and they use this to check their own calibration “ Self-Calibrating”. However although this gives us excellent long term stability for many customers they also require an annual calibration check or certificate to external sources.
    • How waterproof is the CA2005?
      The CA2005 has an IP67 rating which means that it is completely waterproof. This protection means that the unit shouldn’t come to harm if accidently submersed.
  • Thermometer Types
    • What is an infrared thermometer?
      Infrared thermometers are thermometers that measure infrared light radiating from the surface of an object. Infrared signals can be correlated to specific temperatures, which is how they can obtain a temperature reading without direct contact to the object being read. Infrared thermometers can be useful when it is not possible to obtain direct contact with the object being measured, due to it being in a controlled atmosphere, moving very fast, or when contact would contaminate the object. It is important to remember that infrared thermometers are not able to provide the accuracy that is often required, especially for food or water temperature testing. This is because an infrared thermometer measures the surface temperature only, and because there is no contact with the object measured, it will often not even measure the surface temperature of an object, but instead, measure the temperature of the air in front of the object. The fundamental accuracy typically achievable in laboratory conditions is ±2°C, in real life situations however this is rarely achieved. As a rule of thumb the colder the temperature the less accurate an infra red measurement is.
    • What is a thermocouple thermometer?
      Thermocouple thermometers are the most widely used thermometer in the modern day. Thermocouples use electrical technology to show temperature. A thermocouple ‘couples’ together two different metals, one that is contained within the thermocouple thermometer, and one that forms a probe or sensor, to test the temperature of a substance or atmosphere. The difference in the temperatures of the two metals is expressed electrically through their different voltages. The temperature of the metal inside the thermocouple is already known, so the difference between the two temperatures allows us to easily deduce the temperature of the metal attached to the probe. The deduction is carried out using a microchip inside of the thermometer, and the temperature that the probe has sensed then shows on the display. Thermocouples are essential in many heating, manufacturing and electrical engineering applications, and can be found in different thermocouple types, according to the different metals used in the probes. Thermocouples have the advantage of a very fast response and large potential measurement range – from -270 to 1,800°C. TME thermocouple thermometers are compatible with several different thermocouple types (such as K/T/J/R/N/E/S). Most TME probes are in T type (for food applications) or K type (for non-food application), although we do manufacture probes in all different thermocouple types. In Summary ( Type T Thermocouple) Temperature range : Good Accuracy : Good Time Response : Good
    • What is a PT100 Thermometer?
    • What is a thermistor thermometer?
      A thermistor thermometer measures electrical resistance proportional to temperature. The name ‘thermistor’ comes from a combination of the words ‘resistor’ and ‘thermal’. PTC thermistors, which are the kind of thermistor that TME supplies, stands for Positive Temperature Coefficient of Resistance. PTC thermistors have resistances that vary in line with their temperature, so when the temperature increases, so does the resistance. PTCs are constructed using semiconductors that are combined with ceramics or polymers. Thermistors are most commonly found for medical temperature applications, as well as within cars, computers, home appliances and more, as they provide protection against circuits overheating. Thermistors are very stable, long lasting, and more accurate than thermocouple thermometers. However they cannot be used at extreme temperatures, and generally can only measure between 0 and 100°C, which makes them less desirable for food manufacture or catering use. In Summary: Temperature range : Poor - Accuracy : Good - Time Response : Poor
  • MM2000 Range
  • MM7000 Range
    • Why does the MM7000 range of thermometers use Barcode technology?
      When designing the MM7000, we looked at the problems that users often have when carrying out temperature spot checks. One of the biggest of these was the issue of not being able to record the identity of the product/item/location being monitored. Any thermometer with a hold function can give a record of the time, date and temperature of a measurement, but there was no way of recording the identity of the measurement. Barcode technology is the obvious answer. Barcodes are free and easy to generate (there is even now a Barcode font in newer versions of Microsoft Office), and they can be manipulated to mean anything you want them to. Barcodes also are often already assigned to products, for example in a goods in scenario. The MM7000 range includes one extra step in taking temperature measurements: simply scan the barcode that relates to the product/item/location you are testing, and you have a complete temperature record – no filling out a written log book, no room for human error.
    • How do I set up the software for my MM7000 range thermometer?
      Firstly, you’ll need to download the software from the relevant product page on the TME website or the Software Download section There will be a button with an arrow on it – this is your download button. Full instructions on the setup of software for the MM7000 range thermometers is available in the MM7000 Handbook.
    • How do I download readings from my MM7000 range thermometer?
      For a complete guide on how to download readings from your MM7000 range thermometer, please see the MM7000 range handbook
    • How do I assign barcodes to my temperature testing points?
      For a complete guide on how to assign barcodes to your temperature testing points, please see the MM7000 range handbook:
    • Can I print the temperature readings from my MM7000 range thermometer?
      You can. For a complete guide on how to print temperature readings from your thermometer, please see the MM7000 range handbook
    • How do I turn my MM7000 range thermometer on and off?
      Different thermometers within the MM7000 range have different configurations of buttons, but the on/off button is the same for all of them. Simply press the top left hand button: once to turn the thermometer on, and again to turn it off.
    • Does my MM7000 range thermometer come with a battery?
      Yes it does. Your MM7000 range thermometer comes with one standard 9 volt PP3 battery
    • How long will the battery in my MM7000 range thermometer last?
      It depends on how much you use it, but the battery should last for more than 200 hours of intermittent use.
    • How do I replace the battery in my MM7000 range thermometer?
      Replacing the battery in your MM7000 range thermometer is very easy. Simply open the battery compartment in the back of the thermometer, remove the battery and replace with a new one.
    • Where can I find the software for my MM7000 range thermometer?
      Your software is available as a download from the product web page, from the software download link in the Information dropdown on our Home Page or click the link to the Software download page below.

      Software Download

  • SOLO Thermometer
    • What is a SOLO thermometer?
      A SOLO thermometer is an easy-to-use, buttonless thermocouple thermometer, which comes complete with a foldout needle probe attached. It is perfect for use across all kinds of food temperature measurement.
    • Is a SOLO thermometer HACCP compatible?
      It is. HACCP guidelines recommend that food thermometers are accurate to within +/- 0.5°C, which is the same accuracy as the SOLO thermometer.
    • Why is my SOLO thermometer so fast?
      When you start to use the SOLO thermometer, you may be surprised at how much quicker it is than other thermometers you might have used in the past. This is because the needle probe which is attached to the thermometer is built using ThermoSprint technology, which delivers an incredible response time of just 3 seconds – that’s up to 10 times faster than the competition.
    • How do I turn my SOLO thermometer on and off?
      To turn your SOLO thermometer on, simply swing the needle probe out. To turn it back off again, fold the needle probe back into its resting position. If you leave the needle folded out, don’t worry, it won’t drain all of your battery. The thermometer will turn itself off after it’s been left unfolded for 10 mins.
    • Does my SOLO thermometer come with a battery, and what kind of battery does it use?
      Yes. The SOLO Thermometer is supplied complete with two AA batteries.
    • How long will the battery in my SOLO thermometer last?
      It always depends on frequency of use, but when used intermittently, your batteries should last for more than 500 hours.
    • How do I replace the batteries in my SOLO thermometer?
      Replacing the battery in your SOLO thermometer is very easy. Simply open the battery compartment in the back of the thermometer, remove the battery and replace with new ones.
  • Food Applications
    • Is it ok to leave my thermometer in the oven?
      Most of the time it is not ok to leave a thermometer in the oven. Some thermometers are specifically designed for this purpose, however most TME thermometers have an operating range of about 50°C, meaning that they will not be able to operate when left in temperatures higher than this. This rules out leaving them in an oven. However, TME manufactures multiple probes that can be left in an oven. Typically, this would be a probe with a stainless steel cable, such as the TP09 Needle Probe, the TP12 T-Bar Heavy Duty Needle Probe, or the TA06 Black Body Probe, which can all operate in temperatures up to 400°C. Using probes like these instead of a standard probe with a plastic handle/cable, you can leave the probe in an oven whilst attached to your thermometer (which is placed nearby) without risking any damage to your thermometer.
    • Where should I insert my needle probe when cooking beef/lamb/poultry/fish/bakery products
      The best place to insert a needle probe for meat is into the thickest part of the meat, being careful not to touch the bone or the roasting pan or dish that the meat is in. For poultry, if cooking whole birds, insert the probe into the thickest part of the thigh, again being careful not to touch the bone. For other food, it is generally best to insert the probe into the thickest part of the product.
    • How can I measure the temperature of my cold store/fridge/freezer?
      The best way to measure the temperature of a cold store/fridge/freezer is to use an accurate, good quality probe with a long response time that you can leave in your appliance. A long response time means that your probe will fluctuate in temperature at a similar speed to a pack of meat, so that there isn’t a big change in temperature every time the door is opened. TME’s Food Simulator Probe, which is designed to have similar thermal characteristics as a pack of meat, can be attached to the inside of a cold store/fridge/freezer, with the thermometer only needing to be ‘plugged in’ when temperature checks are carried out. There are several low-cost dial thermometers that can be used to measure the temperature of cold stores/fridges/freezers, but these are not recommended for commercial appliances, as they are not sufficiently accurate or reliable to comply with HACCP regulations.
    • How can I measure the temperature of solidly frozen food?
      The biggest problem that you will encounter when trying to measure the temperature of solidly frozen food is how to reach the core of the product whilst the food is still frozen. TME manufacturers more than one probe to help with this issue. Most popular is the TP01 Frozen Food/Corkscrew Probe, which is designed to be ‘screwed in’ to solidly frozen food, using its corkscrew design to allow for easy penetration of the product. We do not recommend using a surface or infra-red probe on solidly frozen food, as it will not give the core temperature of the product.
    • How can I measure the temperature of food that is vacuum-packed for Sous Vide cooking?
      Sous Vide cooking is a growing phenomenon in catering and hospitality, but it can be difficult to measure the core temperature of vacuum-packed food. TME manufactures a temperature kit especially for Sous Vide cooking. The SVK1 includes a thermometer, a super-fine needle probe and self-sealing foam tape, which allows you to measure the temperature inside a vacuum-packed bag without breaking the seal of the bag, which can be disastrous for this kind of cooking. The needle probe in this kit is just 1.5mm in diameter.
    • What T type thermocouple probes can I use with the CA2005?
      TME have developed a range of colour coded catering probes which are perfect for use with the CA2005. Our full range of T type thermocouple probes can be used with the CA2005.
    • Is the CA2005 available with a wall mount holder?
      We can supply a choice of two hygienic stainless steel wall storage units easily installed by fixing to a wall using screws and the keyhole slots provided. The CAWALLMOUNT holder can accommodate 1 x thermometer and up to 6 colour coded probes and is manufactured with colour coded slots to help keep probes separate and to provide visual guidance on different food group colours. The MMWALLHOLD can accommodate 1 x thermometer and up to 2 standard TME probes.
    • Are the CAP probes specifically for catering use?
      The CAP range of needle probes have been designed with the catering industry in mind but they can be used in most applications which requires the core temperature measurement of products.
    • What is the colour coding for?
      TME have developed colour coded needle probes to help reduce the risk of bacterial cross-contamination between different food groups. Each probe handle is colour coded so it can be assigned to a particular food group: RED = Raw Meat, BLUE = Cooked Fish, YELLOW = Cooked Meat, GREEN = Washed Salad/Fruit, WHITE = Bakery and Dairy, BROWN = Vegetables.
    • Are the CAP probes waterproof?
      The CAP probes have a fully waterproof construction and can even be cleaned and sterilized within a dishwasher or ware-washer.
  • Food Temperature Guidelines
    • What are HACCP guidelines?
      “HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) is a system that helps food business operators look at how they handle food and introduces procedures to make sure the food produced is safe to eat.” - HACCP guidelines are put in place by the Food Standards Agency (FSA). Some of the HACCP guidelines that relate to temperature are: “Refrigeration: A food temperature of 8°C or below is effective in controlling the multiplication of most bacteria in perishable food. It is recommended practice to operate refrigerators and chills at 5°C or below. Freezing: Freezing of food at temperature of -18°C or below will prevent bacteria multiplying. Cooking: Temperatures of 75°C or above are effective in destroying almost all types of bacteria. However, cooking temperatures below this level are also effective provided that the food is held at these temperatures for a suitable time period. (refer to the Cooking HACCP chart) Hot holding: Temperature above 63°C will control the multiplication in hot food. Cooling: Food should be cooled as quickly as possible and then refrigerated. This will limit the growth of any bacteria or germination of spores that may be present. Reheating: All food that has previously been heated and is to be re-heated, must be raised to a temperature of 82°C, which will ensure that the food has been reheated to a safe and, in some cases, legally required temperature. Using a suitable time/temperature combination will also ensure that food has been reheated safely should higher temperatures be detrimental to the quality of the food, for example reaching a core temperature of 70°C for 2 minutes.” -
    • What are critical food safety temperatures?
      The most common food safety temperatures, as advised by HACCP, are as follows: Frozen food to be kept at -18°C of below Refrigerated food to be kept at 8°C or below Cooked food to reach temperature of 75°C Hot food to be held at 63°C When reheating, food should reach temperature of 82°C - These critical temperatures are subject to variation depending on your agreement with your enforcement officer. For example, it is safe to cook food at less than 75°C, provided that the cooking time of the food is increased accordingly.
    • How accurate should my food thermometer be?
      HACCP guidelines recommend that food thermometers are accurate to within +/- 0.5°C. All TME-made thermometers and probes are at least this accurate, and most of our equipment is accurate to within +/- 0.25°C
    • Why are recommended Sous Vide cooking temperatures so much lower than other recommended cooking temperatures?
      Sous Vide cooking temperature are so much lower than other cooking temperatures simply because they are kept at cooking temperature for a lot longer.
  • Fixed Monitoring
    • What is the TCWall Port?
      The TC Wall Port is a wall-mounted temperature monitoring point, connected to a fine wire thermocouple temperature sensor. The tip of the sensor is permanently installed on the surface of the item you wish to take the temperature of, such as a water pipe or TMV inlet. Simply plug your thermometer into the port with a connector cable for an instant temperature reading. The port can be sited up to twenty metres from the test point making it ideal for use with boxed-in pipes and valves or pipes and water tanks located at height or in areas where access is difficult.
    • What is the purpose of the Red and Blue colour options for the TC Wall Port?
      Engineers often need to monitor both hot and cold pipes at the same location. The Red and Blue ports make it easy to tell which is hot and which is cold.
    • Can I use any thermometer with the TCWall Port?
      You will need a digital thermocouple thermometer with mini-plug input socket in order to read temperatures from your wall ports. We recommend our MM2008 Legionella Thermometer. You will also need a KMPC cable (such as the KMPC2MP) to connect your thermometer to the Wall Port. Thermistor and PT100 thermometers are not compatible with this product
    • Does the TC Wall Port system replace conventional temperature monitoring?
      The TC Wall Port system happily works alongside conventional temperature monitoring using handheld immersion and surface probes. Its main advantage lies in simplifying temperature monitoring of points which are boxed-in or are difficult to access. If you have any doubts regarding the implementation of a water temperature monitoring regime in your building, you should consult your risk assessment and adhere to any recommendations contained therein.
    • Can I use a TC Wall Port to measure temperature of water in a CWST?
      Yes. We recommend using a KM07 immersion probe to be hung in the tank and run to the Wall Port. This comes with a two metre cable as standard. Other lengths are available on request. Please see the diagram illustrating this on the TC Wall Port product page of our website.
    • Can I use TC Wall Ports to measure flow and return pipe temperatures on calorifiers?
      Yes. Simply attach a fine wire sensor to each pipe and connect each one to a Wall Port sited in a convenient position. We recommend using high-temperature duct tape to fix the sensors to the pipes.
  • Legionella Testing
  • General Information
    • When was TME founded?
      TME was founded in 1990, and has been going from strength to strength ever since.
    • Who runs TME?
      TME's Managing Director is Tom Sensier, who also founded the company.
    • Where are TME based?
      TME are based in Worthing, West Sussex, on the south coast of England.
    • Is all TME equipment really made in the UK?
      Yes. Although TME do supply some ancillary equipment which we buy from approved suppliers, TME thermometers and probes are made right here at our factory in Worthing.
    • Can I order TME products online?
      You can. Simply browse the website until you find the product/s that you want to purchase (phoning or emailing the sales team to ask for advice should you need it), then add them to your basket. You can then go through to the checkout and pay for your purchases.
    • Can I order TME products from overseas?
      You can. Delivery dates may vary if you are buying from overseas, but you can order TME products from anywhere in the world. If you'd prefer to buy direct from a distributor based in your country, contact us to see if we have a distributor in your region.
    • How can I pay for my TME equipment?
      TME accepts all major credit cards and through Paypal. We can also take credit card payments over the phone, by pro forma, and, if you have an existing account with us and have bought with us before, you can pay on a 30 day account.
    • Can I pay TME a visit to see products first-hand?
      TME do not hold regular ‘open hours’ for customers to visit, however a visit can often be arranged. Please email or phone us if you’d like to arrange a visit to our factory in Worthing, and we’ll endeavour to set one up for you. We are also happy to run temperature training events for a number of people in our meeting room.
    • Can I arrange for a member of the TME sales team to pay my company a visit?
      The TME sales team do not make regular visits to customers, however we are often more than happy to arrange a visit to your company. If you are interested in having a member of the sales team pay your company a visit, please email or phone us to arrange this.
    • Where can I see TME products demonstrated?
      TME regularly attend a variety of exhibitions or trade shows, where you can see the products demonstrated and speak to TME staff face-to-face. We regularly post updates to the News section of our website, to our blog and also our social media platforms to keep our customers updated of our attendance at exhibitions, however, if you want to know if TME is exhibiting at a specific show, please phone or email us to ask. If you know that TME is attending a specific show and would like to come along to see our products demonstrated, please get in touch with us, as we may be able to issue you with a free ticket to the exhibition or show. If you are attending the same exhibition as TME and want to speak with one of our sales team about TME products, please phone or email, and we can set up an appointment for you with one of the team at the show. Alternatively, you can simply come along and get free and expert advice from any of the TME staff you meet.
    • Do I have to keep the shower running when using the KM08 probe?
      Yes. It is important that the water is continuously flowing into the cup whilst reading the temperature to ensure an accurate measurement is obtained.
    • Can I immerse this probe in water?
      Yes, the KS20-S is completely waterproof.